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The Great Migration in Kenya and the Island of Lamu (Adults)

The Great Rift Valley, with its dramatic landscapes and stunning vistas, provides a unique opportunity to witness the geological wonders of the Earth. The cultural richness of Kenya, with its various ethnic groups and vibrant traditions, offers a deeper understanding of the tapestry of humanity.

And of course, Lamu Island, with its blend of Swahili culture, pristine beaches, and historical significance, adds a touch of enchantment to the journey. The contrast between the Great Rift Valley and the coastal beauty of Lamu showcases Kenya's remarkable range of natural and cultural wonders.

Exploring Kenya promises an adventure that touches both the soul and the senses, leaving travelers with memories of breathtaking landscapes and meaningful cultural encounters. It's a journey that invites a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our world.

Creating an annual trip to witness this spectacle is a special way to connect with the raw beauty and power of the natural world. It also provides an opportunity to appreciate the incredible adaptability and survival instincts of these animals as they navigate their way in search of sustenance.

By joining us in this trip, you're giving yourself and others the chance to witness one of the most awe-inspiring events in the animal kingdom, while also fostering a deeper appreciation for the importance of conservation and preserving the habitats that make such phenomena possible. It's a wonderful way to celebrate the wonders of nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Masai Mara National Reserve is indeed a renowned wildlife haven in East Africa.

The river crossings, where the animals attempt to cross crocodile-infested rivers such as the Mara and Grumeti rivers, are particularly awe-inspiring and often serve as a test of survival for the migrating herds. The sight of thousands of animals making their way across these treacherous waters is a breathtaking spectacle that draws visitors and wildlife enthusiasts from around the world.

The Wildebeest Migration is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of these animals, as well as the intricate ecological balance of the Serengeti ecosystem. It's a reminder of the incredible natural wonders that exist on our planet and the importance of preserving and protecting them for future generations to witness and appreciate.

When we are in Kenya we are also celebrating diversity and promoting unity …they are key components of building a more inclusive and harmonious world. Embracing different perspectives, traditions, and cultures enriches our collective experience and allows us to learn from one another.

If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa.
— John Hemingway

The reserve takes its name from the Maasai people, who have been inhabitants of the region for centuries, alongside the Mara River that courses through the plains.

When you arrive and settle into Kenya and the new culture with its people and landscape, you begin to experience first hand that, at our core, all human beings are the same. We are of one large tribe that has adapted to survive different environments.  It is not only possible, but vital, for the future of this world that all of us explore the concepts of tribal identity and to experience connection to our wider, human tribe, across cultural divides.

We will connect with the Maasai … and also see them in the landscape, as they are recognized by their distinctive red shawls. Originating from what is now South Sudan, the Maasai have tended to their cattle on these lands for generations, a practice still observed by many. Our personal connections to the tribes in Kenya provide authentic connection and lots of laughter to be shared!

We will have the unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in their culture while exploring the Maasai Mara, adding an enriching layer to their experience in this remarkable region. Experiencing firsthand the diversity of human cultures and landscapes can be a transformative and enlightening experience. It helps individuals recognize the universal values and aspirations that bind us all together, regardless of our specific cultural backgrounds.

SAILING in Lamu Island! This isLand is a gem

A visit to Kenya is incomplete without immersing yourself in the Lamu Archipelago, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lamu Island, a gem within this archipelago, cherishes its Islamic and Swahili cultures. Exploring the warm embrace of the Indian Ocean on traditional dhows is a must-do. Historically, these wooden vessels connected the Middle East, India, and Africa, leaving an indelible mark on the island's cuisine, architecture, and crafts.

Kenya provides a diverse and enthralling experience, highlighting a wealth of natural wonders and a vibrant tribal culture. From the awe-inspiring Safari with the Great Migration in the Great Rift Valley to the enchanting island of Lamu in the Indian Ocean, the country's landscapes are genuinely breathtaking. Join us!

At the end of this journey we hope that your perspective shifts and you have hit the “reset” button.

Embracing the concept of a "human tribe" indeed promotes empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for the diverse cultures that enrich our world. It's through these shared experiences and interactions that we come to realize how much we have in common, despite our differences.

By fostering this sense of interconnectedness and celebrating our shared humanity, we contribute to building a more inclusive and harmonious global community. It's a wonderful aspiration and one that has the potential to create positive ripples of understanding and unity in the world.