Retreat into the heart of Patagonia, connecting with the people, culture, and land, as you reset your intentions…
This Patagonian adventure takes us to the heart of these magical lands; connecting to the people and culture, forests and rivers. We will hike and learn about traditional food, explore the mountain ranges and soak in its hot and cold waters as a way to heal and reset our minds and bodies. Our travels are conscientious and aim to support local conservation initiatives as well as organic farms and family-based economies. This Reset & Retreat invites us to nurture and find new ways to connect with the outdoors, as we reset our intentions into a calmer and more enjoyable mindset.
Gogi Abroad and Nahual Expediciones come together to offer a unique experience of travel and giving back to the earth and its inhabitants. In an era when sustainability is no longer just a concept, but a need in all our actions, we merge the opportunity to travel with a responsibility to the earth by leaving good traces while exploring new cultures and knowledge. Through outdoor adventure and sustainable living: we will visit permaculture farms, work with local communities, experience world-class rafting and horseback riding. We will have the opportunity to connect with the land and its people, in deep and meaningful ways!
“One of the most beautiful places on Earth! (no joke). The scene looks so idyllic – with sheep grazing amid timber huts and babbling brooks, against a backdrop of granite cliffs and puffy clouds – that I half expect a unicorn to prance over and offer me a ride to the front door.”
●We will stay in the most amazing palces on earth! THE CONFLUENCIA LODGE: Condé Nast Traveler described this neck of the woods as “The Real Patagonia” and recommended La Confluencia as an appealing place to stay and relax as part of the refugio circuit.
●We will experience the beautiful emblematic Argentinian capital, with its lively history, vibrant streets, bookshops, museums, and gastronomic delicacies. In the afternoon we will immerse in a 2-hour Tango workshop followed by a Tango show and delicious dinner.
● Two 1-hour sessions of conscious nutrition and ancestral healing food systems with Helena Aguero.
● Everyday access to the spa circuit, sauna, hot tub overlooking the Rio Azul, and cold spring water bath. (Cold/hot therapy)
● Massage and other therapies available at an extra cost.
● The property has 260 hectares within the protected natural area of the Rio Azul and Lago Escondido, with a coastline on the Rio Azul and Rio Blanco. There are several walks on the property, including through forest and among farm animals: sheep, llamas, geese, chickens, etc.
● Delicious, organic food cultivated and prepared on the property.
●Start your day with morning yoga. Then visit El Bolson craft market
●Travel by horseback further into the native forest, all the way to, El Cajon Azul, one of the most spectacular canyons of the River
●Enjoy a 2 hr hike into Los Pozones, a pristine turquoise canyon of the Rio Azul, with swimming holes and outstanding cliffs and views.
●We will have time to explore one of the local villages
● The list goes on and on…. We can send you the full day to day experiences.
We will fly from Buenos Aires to Bariloche which is the gateway into Patagonia
““I can say that it was amazing to wake up, eat breakfast and step out the door onto gorgeous and uncrowded hiking trails! Which brings me to the food… as a couple who absolutely love eating, we were hesitant about staying and eating meals in the same lodge. With other hotels we’ve been not-so-impressed. But, La Confluencia has a chef [whose] cooking skills, coupled with the fact that she can just walk outside and literally pick dinner from the organic gardens made for some of the best food that I’ve had in recent memory!!!!”
At GOGI, we believe in the transformative power of authentic travel. Our trips immerse travelers in the language, culture, and people of a new community. Our trips are “soul immersion” experiences, where we connect with and learn from those who are different from us and experience the fundamental ways in which we are all connected.
A lot of travel involves taking, so our trips focus on giving to the communities we stay with. This giving back makes the travel more meaningful for everyone involved. It strengthens our bonds, inspires inner growth, and changes perspectives.
Our trips facilitate spiritual, intellectual, and personal growth by taking the time to connect deeply with the people whose culture we’re visiting. By taking the time to steep in the culture, we see more, feel more, and the culture becomes more alive for us. Small, but far-reaching, shifts begin happening within us.
WHAT MAKES US EXTRAORDINARY: There are many outfits out there in the world that teach through travel. Each company has an individual character to them. Going outward to encounter a new environment and country takes strength and courage. Our programs are designed to give you the opportunity to explore and see a new culture, hear a new language, explore new foods, hike new mountains with self-awareness, trust and compassion. We connect with communities that we have strong ties with, giving you a safe and comfortable environment to explore and open your eyes and heart to new experiences. Providing space and time to connect with the locals of the community creates connectivity and, in return, a whole new perspective on life and the world. This is where we begin to grow internally and appreciate the world around us.